Monday, May 25, 2009

Kiss me and say you understand

Memorial Day always meant a cookout at my parents' house. My father's birthday was May 26, and the holiday provided most of us an opportunity to get away from work and gather at the house for a party.

Dad knew how to play only one song on the piano, but that's still one more than I can play. He wasn't exactly Oscar Peterson on the keyboard, but we loved it -- loved it -- when he sat down to play Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen. It was an event, like his melodramatic recitation of "Casey at the Bat."

As far as I know, no one ever recorded Dad playing Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen in any format. So, by way of honoring him on this day, I offer this poor substitute:

So here's to you, Dad. Happy birthday. I know you're swingin' with Mom in heaven's ballroom. Next number: "Honey."


rox731 said...

I never got to hear dad play this. Wish I had. In fact, I know this song, never knew the name of it. This is so cool. R

Binker731 said...

You may have heard it but not recognized it as the same tune. I mean, come on! Benny Goodman!

sheila said...

Very nice. It is memories like this that a family shares that make us realize how important it is to do things together and feel the bond of love and laughter.